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PHILEXPORT Events and Activities
CBI Export Coaching Programme for the Home Decoration and Home Textile (ECP HD/HT) Sector

About the EventThe CBI ECP HD/HT is an assistance program for Philippine companies who would want to export to the European market or to improve its export position. The ECP follows a Module approach, starting with a careful selection, followed by technical assistance and training, market entry and consolidation of business contacts.

Why AttendTo assist companies in obtaining a firm and lasting position on the EU markets for Home Decoration and Home textiles products.

Who Should AttendThis programme is meant for ambitious manufacturers and exporters in the Home Decoration and Home textiles sector who are eager to expand their export activities in the EU. The programme is accessible for companies that meet the following criteria:

  • the company is at least 51% locally owned;
  • from 25 up to 500 employees;
  • no joint venture with a company based in a country with a classification of UMIC or higher;
  • compliance or the willingness to comply with EU market requirements;
  • no licensing commitments that prohibit or limit export possibilities of products to the EU
  • competitive prices and sufficient production capacity;
  • management which is able to communicate in English;
  • willingness and capacity to invest in adaptations of, for instance, product assortment and production processes, if and as required by the European market.

Date, Time and VenueDate: Will start in 2012 for a period of 4 years
Deadline for the submission of application is on November 7, 2011.

CostAll CBI services and programs, including this export promotion program are sponsored by the Netherlands’ Government. However, interested companies should be aware that certain expenses will not be covered. This includes costs for instruments required to upgrade products and processes, costs for certification and certain costs related to participation in activities in Europe. The fees due to participation in the different modules are mentioned in the module description. Together with CBI a decision will be made which modules are most relevant for your company. You do not necessarily have to participate in every module.

How to RegisterSend accomplished application form by e-mail / fax, original documents by (express)mail / courier service as follows:

By mail: CBI
ECP Home Decoration and Home Textiles
P.O. Box 30.009
The Netherlands

By courier: CBI
ECP Home Decoration and Home Textiles
Beurs WTC, 5th Floor
Beursplein 37
The Netherlands
+31 (0)10 2013411

By fax: +31-10-4114081

By e-mail: or
Subject: ECP Home Decoration and Home Textiles

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