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The Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT) is the umbrella organization of Philippine exporters accredited under the Export Development Act (EDA) of 1994. It is a non-stock, non-profit private organization born out of the unification of the Philippine Exporters Foundation and the Confederation of Philippine Exporters last October 1991.

It is mandated to strengthen the country's export industry through its export promotion and development programs.

Our Vision

PHILEXPORT is committed to work for the continuing development of the Philippines and the prosperity of the Filipinos through exports. We are committed to be the leading and dominant export organization, which, in partnership with business and government, shall propel the country towards a dynamic and self-sustaining economy.

Our Mission

PHILEXPORT shall lead the export community and work with government in the pursuit of sustainable export-led national growth and development.

Our Credo

We are proud to be part of the PHILEXPORT family, the umbrella organization of Philippine exporters, that puts service above self, where everyone is united in goal and spirit and where excellence is a commitment.

Common Objective

We believe that the Board of Trustees, management and staff have goal congruence resulting in the optimum utilization of resources and fulfillment of PHILEXPORT's objectives.


As a major player in the country's economic development, PHILEXPORT lives by these values:
We adhere to the highest standards of reliability, discipline and fairness in conducting our daily responsibilities.
Service Orientation
We share the same passion to work effectively and enthusiastically, in meeting the changing and growing demands of the members, the organization, its cooperators, employees, and all other stakeholders.
We promote the creation of a conducive environment that will encourage continuous improvement in quality and delivery of services.
Social Accountability
We respect and support the internationally-proclaimed human and labor rights and environmental responsibility towards a sustainable socio-economic development of the nation.

Looking to capture new markets and outperform your competitors? PHILEXPORT offers Philippine exporters support to help achieve export revenue growth.