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The Philippines and the Economy
Philippine Development Plans
and Policies

To advocate a sustainable export-led growth for Philippine exporters, PHILEXPORT is working alongside the Philippines government to introduce macro-plans to aid the growth of Small, Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

A brief write-up on each of the developmental plans is as follows:

  • Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016

    The Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 was formulated in accordance with the Constitutional provision of Section 9, Article VII, directing the Governments economic and planning agency to implement a continuing integrated and coordinated programs and policies for national development.

    The Plan centers on five key strategies. First is to boost competitiveness in the productive sectors to generate massive employment. Second is to improve access to financing to address the evolving needs of a diverse public. Third is to invest massively in infrastructure. Fourth is to promote transparent and responsive governance, which is emphasized in all the chapters. And fifth, is to develop human resources through improved social services and protection.

  • Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Plan 2010-2016

    The 2011-2016 Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Development Plan aims to address the key challenges and constraints that continue to prevent the MSME sector from realizing its full potential and boosting the country’s industrial growth. To achieve this, the Plan lays out the overall framework to guide the formulation of action plans towards a more harmonized approach to MSME development. It was developed in close consultation with national, regional, and provincial stakeholders. It will be implemented through a convergence of stakeholder efforts with regular monitoring, validation, and updating by stakeholders under the stewardship of the MSME Development Council.

  • The Philippine Export Development Plan (PEDP) 2011-2013

    The Philippine Export Development Plan (PEDP) is a rolling three-year blueprint for export development and growth.

    For 2011-2013, it identifies Key Export Sectors controlling eighty-seven (87%) of current business to drive export growth. These are: IT-BPO and other services; electronics; agribusiness products (food, coconut and other resource-based products); minerals; shipbuilding; motor vehicle parts; garments and textiles; homestyle products (furniture, furnishings, decors); and wearables (fashion accessories, shoes, bags, jewelry).

    These products and services belong to large categories in growing markets. Importantly, they have a reasonable probability of continued success based on current volumes, supply chain attributes, local value-added and total employment.

  • Investment Priorities Plan 2011

    The 2010 Investment Priorities Plan (IPP) seeks to generate more investments and more jobs in the agriculture, industry and services sectors that are geared up to optimize the opportunities from the global economic recovery and the implementation of Philippines’ international engagements (i.e. Free Trade Agreements). This IPP is made more significant as it promotes investments in green business initiatives that will also address the climate change challenge towards a Green Philippines.

  • National Economic Research and Business Assistance

    The National Economic Research and Business Assistance Center of the Philippines Act of 1992 (NERBAC) aims to provide the necessary and strategic economic and business information and research assistance to speed up the process and encourage the growth of entrepreneurship in the country. The NERBAC serves as a one-stop business registration, investment promotion and information center established with the Department of Trade and Industry as lead implementing agency.
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