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Do you wish to sell direct to your customers in your market?

PHILEXPORT is the platform for connecting and promoting your products to other verifiable members in the region, in essence, a Business-to-Business (B2B) model.

However, if you wish to sell directly to customers in your domestic market, then you will need a Business-to-Consumer (B2C) shop front.

barterfli can help you achieve both B2B and B2C quickly and most importantly, cost-effectively.

With barterfli's E-Shop, you can easily open an online store to serve your customers, with 5 simple steps. And even use your own URL!

With one set of products, you can target different segments from a single platform.

For only USD120 a year (that's less than US$0.35 cents a day!), you will have:

  • A choice to use own domain name (domain name registration not included)
  • Template driven Store Design
  • Sell up to 100 products
  • Shopping Cart and Payment Gateway (you need to register for a merchant account with Paypal)
  • Content Management
  • Hosting and IT Support