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  How to Sell  

Be Found by Buyers

Selling on barterfli is Simple, Fast and Free. Get connected to potential buyers all over the world now.

 Profile Your Company



 At "My barterfli" account, simply click on Company Profile.


Fill in accurate details about your company and products and upload relevant document(s) to enhance credibility and reinforce buyer's confidence.


 Display Your Products



  At "My barterfli" account, click on Sell Products.


  • Now, enter the Product Information.
    Buyers find products based on Key Word Search or Browse Product Category.

    Here's how you can be easily found:

    Use the Right Keywords or phrases that buyers use to find your product.

    • Product Name: Tell buyers the type of product you are selling. Do not enter the brand or
      model number here.

    • Product Keywords: Apply words or phrases that buyers think of when conducting their search.

    • Product Summary and Description: Present the key product features and details. Remember to include relevant keywords that will get you the right buyers. The summary will appear on the search results page.


  • Choose the Right Product Category and be organized.

    • Product Category: Select the category that best matches the item.

    • Product Group: Organize all your products by placing similar items into groups for easy management.

    • Product Photo and Certification: Add Visual impact, strengthen credibility and grab attention of potential buyers by uploading a clear and accurate photo of your product and relevant documents.


  • Clearly state the payment and delivery terms and all related information.


  • To edit or remove the product, go to My Products where you can manage your product listing.