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Policy Advocacy

PHILEXPORT, in partnership with the Export Development Council, ensures that export financing schemes are available at internationally competitive rates, especially to small and medium direct and indirect exporters. Various sources of financing are as follows:

  • Financing Programs for Micro, Small and Medium Term Enterprises

    This handbook provides information on how to grow/expand your business operation. The growing number and significant role of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in spurring national economic growth prompted the compilation and publication of this handbook on Financing Programs for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. The implementation of micro financing and SME lending programs by various institutions is generally recognized as an essential tool in stimulating entrepreneurial activities. Through this compendium, the Bureau of Small and Medium Enterprise Development (BSMED) aims to increase the Filipino entrepreneur’s awareness on sources of funding available from government and private sector institutions for his business, and encourage him to access these facilities based on the capabilities of his enterprise. This menu of financial services will hopefully develop and strengthen the ability of MSMEs to better manage their operational activities and possibly embolden them to cater to areas beyond their traditional markets. This compilation is an initiative of BSMED under the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

  • Small Business Corporation (SBCorp)

    Small Business Corporation envisions becoming the leader in small enterprise development financing and small credit delivery systems nationwide. The Corporation has focused on developing an appropriate mix of financing products that are responsive to the needs of SMEs in the country.

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