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Policy Advocacy
Market Development, Access and Promotion

Trade Agreements

World Trade Organizatiopn or Multilateral Trade Agreements
Preferential Trade Agreements
DTI Fact File: Economic Bloc Special
Bilateral Trade Agreements
a. Philippine-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement
Regional Trade Agreements
a. ASEAN Free Trade Agreements/External Relations
b. Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)

Handbooks/Primers on Trade Agreements

WTO Primer
US Generalized System of Preference
EU Generalized System of Preference
ASEAN Economic Community Primer
ASEAN and SME Guidebook (with ASEAN country profiles)

Market Access/Trade Tools

ASEAN Solutions for Investments, Services and Trade (ASSIST)- For the expedited and effective solution of operational problems encountered by ASEAN-based enterprises on cross-border issues
ASEAN Tariff Finder – To support traders to maximize the benefits from ASEAN's free trade agreements under the Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA).
ASEAN Non-Tariff Measures
EU Export Helpdesk- On information required by exporters (from developing countries) to supply the EU market
ITC Trade Map - Trade Statistics- On trade indicators for SMEs
ITC Market Access Map- On tariffs and other measures
EU Market Access Database- A guide to world markets
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Other Resources

Asian Development Bank
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Asian Regional Economic Center
- On knowledge (e.g. stats, working papers) to integrate and support regional cooperation among Asia, Pacific, Manila and Tokyo
Department of Trade and Industry
- On Philippine trade information
Department of Agriculture
- On the promotion of Agricultural development
Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS)
Philippine Tariff Commission
- On tariff, trade remedy measures and competition policies
Universal Access to Competitiveness and Trade (UACT)
- On technical and research (trade) support for private sector organization
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

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