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Export Advisory & Facilitation

PHILEXPORT provides the necessary services to members and clients, foreign buyers as well as PHILEXPORT network cooperating agencies both in government and private sectors.

Advisory, Facilitation and Referral Services

Consultancy services cover such areas as export and import procedures and regulations, documentation requirements, sources of financing and facilities available, and fiscal incentives. In cases where the client requires a more specialized form of assistance, PHILEXPORT refers the client to the appropriate agency such as consultants, shipping companies, consolidators, banks, law firms, etc.

Facilitation of Trade Complaints

PHILEXPORT utilizes the network of contacts it has established, which consists of government and non-government groups to carry out this task. This service entails an analysis of the problem, recommendation of action that should be taken, and referral to other agencies or parties. Where necessary, the Center monitors the action that has been taken and provides immediate feedback to the client.

Business Matching

Through this service, PHILEXPORT provides members with information on prospective buyers and responses to inquiries of exporters for names and addresses of suppliers of raw materials and intermediate goods needed for production are also attended to.