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Export Advisory & Facilitation
Match-up Program

In response to the government's call for support and involvement of the business community in alleviating poverty and promoting human resource development in the country, PHILEXPORT started its Kapit-bisig Laban sa Kahirapan (KALAHI)- Exporter-Subcontractor Match-Up Program (ESMP). Now called the PHILEXPORT CSR-ESMP, the program largely intends to provide livelihood assistance to communities by making them subcontractor-partners of PHILEXPORT member-exporters. This effort also joins a worldwide campaign to address poverty issues which grip the majority of developing and third world countries.

PHILEXPORT has included this activity as one of its special services in order to enable its members to help provide solutions to the problems of poverty and human resource development.

Exporter-Partner Benefits
  • Helps exporters deliver and fulfill orders on time;
  • Develops reliable subcontractors through cooperative efforts of the partner-agencies and organizations;
  • Increases export earnings and creates jobs, provide livelihood opportunities and alleviate poverty, hence enabling the company to exercise Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Exporter-Partner Roles
  • Provide the trainor/s in target communities/areas, aside from the trainors who may be provided by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA);
  • Identify a contact person/quality controller from the trainees and/or send a quality control representative as needed;
  • Provide the raw materials for the products to be subcontracted;
  • Issue Job Orders to the concerned subcontractors; and
  • Develop mutually accepted Terms of Agreement concerning the Job Orders.
Subcontractor-Partner Benefits
  • Livelihood assistance to workers and their families;
  • Training of workers to enhance their existing skills and/or acquire new skills;
  • Assured market for products/services rendered;
  • Opportunity to establish a good track good as reliable subcontractor/s;
  • Income opportunity.
Subcontractor-Partner Roles
  • Identify and organize the communities that will benefit from this livelihood program;
  • Co-organize and host the launching of the livelihood training program;
  • Co-organize and coordinate the implementation of the training program and provide the venue & if necessary, also food, tools & materials needed in the conduct of the training program;
  • Prepare and submit a pre-formatted Accomplishment Report to PHILEXPORT;
  • Identify coordinator and point person for the project for each barangay/area;
  • Coordinate with the exporter-partner on Terms and Conditions of the Job Orders; and
  • Ensure pay-it-forward scheme by identifying three or more trainors who can conduct future trainings to CSR participating communities.