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Bonded Warehousing

PHILIEXPORT takes pride in helping exporters lower their cost of production; and an instance would be through the use of cost-efficient import service facilities such as a bonded warehouse.

The Common Customs Bonded Warehouse (CCBW 1045) facility enables PHILEXPORT members to import raw materials for export production Tax and Duty Free. Compared to other importation schemes such as operating one's own Bonded Manufacturing Warehouse or availing of the duty-drawback or the re-export bond scheme, importing through our CCBW is the most practical and cost effective alternative.

Benefits of storing in CCBW 1045:

  • Competitive service rates;
  • Simple import requirements and procedures; and
  • Documentation process and release of raw materials expedited through PHILEXPORT's computer-assisted operations and active support of representatives from vital government agencies. Response from the customs may take less than 30 minutes from the time of transmittal.
To avail of the services of CCBW 1045, an exporter must be a BOI-registered firm in good standing or must have an export performance of at least US$100,000 over last three years. If the applicant does not meet these requirements, he may be given a temporary access to the CCBW 1045 for the urgent importations if they meet the requirements set by the Inter-Agency Accreditation Committee. The committee is composed of representatives from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), Bureau of Customs (BOC), and PHILEXPORT who meet once a month to process the applications for accreditation to CCBW 1045.

Assistance in Liquidation Once the applications are processed, each account will be assigned to a PHILEXPORT Account Officer who will work closely with his/her counterpart in the Bureau of Customs to facilitate the liquidation of Import Entries.