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Policy Advocacy
Market Development, Access and Promotion
What is Free Trade Agreement?

A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is an agreement signed bilaterally or multilaterally by countries to reduce tax for products/services traded among them.
With a goal of boosting international trade, these FTAs encourage easier market access, bring new business opportunities and stimulate foreign direct investment.

To check if your product is eligible for FTA(s), please visit our FTA Tariff Gateway HERE.

Here are some FTA resources for your reference.

Overview of Trade Agreements

2010 Policy Brief
- On salient 2010 trade information of ACFTA, JPEPA, AKFTA, AANZFTA
2008 Policy Brief
- On the importance, rationale, gains/losses of Philippines' free trade agreements.


World Trade Organisation
- Position Paper on Doha Round Completion
WTO TBT Enquiry
- On Philippines Enquiry Point by Department of Trade and Industry
Standards and Conformance Portal
- On standards (e.g. PSN), regulations (e.g. TBT) and conformity assessment activities in the Philippines and other WTO member countries.
Latest Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Notifications

Regional Free Trade Agreement

ASEAN Agreements
- On ASEAN Organisation and its trade agreements
ASEAN Press Releases, Agreements and Declarations, and Schedule on:
ASEAN-Australia New Zealand
ASEAN-Australia New Zealand FTA Primer
- On objectives, coverage and benefits of AANZFTA
ASEAN-China FTA Primer
- On background, coverage and benefits of ASEAN-China FTA

Bilateral Free Trade Agreements

- Japan Economic Partnership Agreement
- On background, features and implementation of PJEPA
- EU

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