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Membership Application

PHILEXPORT offers three types of membership to provide support and benefits for export-oriented companies and organizations:

  • Provisional Membership
  • Regular Membership
  • Associate Membership
Find out which membership type is for you:
Membership Type
Business Type
  • Registered producer / manufacturer / sub-contractor / supplier
  • In operation for less than one (1) year
  • Registered exporter of goods and/or services
  • In operation for at least one (1) year
  • Indirect exporters and service providers that help support the Philippine export industry. These include companies providing financing, shipping, freight, insurance, brokerage, product packaging, airline and hospitality, printing services as well as chambers of commerce, trade associations and foreign buyers.
  • In operation for at least one (1) year
Fees and Eligibility
  • One-time Entrance Fee: P700.00
  • Annual fee: P2,000.00
  • Sponsored by a member of the Board of Trustee
  • No serious derogatory information supplied by reliable sources
Required Documents
  • Completed membership application form
  • Copy of ONE of the following:
    • Corporation - Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    • Single Proprietorship - Dep't of Trade and Industry (DTI)
    • Board of Investment (BOI)
  • Latest Audited Financial Statement or Interim Balance Sheet
  • Photos of products or Service Brochure
  • One (1) 2"X2" colored picture of authorized representative/ owner
  • Specimen signature(s) of Company Officers

If you are a Philippine exporter looking to breaking into new markets or to expand on your traditional markets - PHILEXPORT may be what opens it up for you.
New Members
CocoPlus Aquarian coconut products Grovil Woodcraft Inc small wooden items